Friday, June 3, 2011

Rihanna Hits Back At ‘Man Down’ Video Critics

Rihanna has responded to the backlash over her latest music video, Man Down.
The Parents Television Council condemned the singer for portraying a shooting and depicting a “cold, calculated execution of murder” in the promo.
In the video, directed by Anthony Mandler, Rihanna is seen gunning down a man in retaliation for an apparent sexual assault.
“Rihanna’s personal story and status as a celebrity superstar provided a golden opportunity for the singer to send an important message to female victims of rape and domestic violence,” said Melissa Henson, PTC official.  She continued: “Instead of telling victims they should seek help, Rihanna released a music video that gives retaliation in the form of premeditated murder the imprimatur of acceptability.”
Also disturbed by the video is the co-founder of media justice think tank Industry Ears, Paul Porter. He said: “If Chris Brown shot a woman in his new video and BET premiered it, the world would stop. Rihanna should not get a pass and BET should know better.  The video is far from broadcast worthy.”
Rihanna’s tweet that the video included “a very strong underlying message 4 girls like me (sic)” also drew criticism from the PTC.
The singer has since addressed the controversy on Twitter.
She wrote: “I’m a 23-year-old rock star with NO KIDS! What’s up with everybody wantin me to be a parent? I’m just a girl, I can only be your/our voice!
“Cuz we all know how difficult/embarrassing it is to communicate touchy subject matters to anyone especially our parents!
“And this is why!Cuz we turn the other cheek! U can’t hide your kids from society,or they’ll never learn how to adapt!This is the REAL WORLD!
“The music industry isn’t exactly Parents R Us! We have the freedom to make art, LET US! Its your job to make sure they dont turn out like US.”
Watch the Man Down video below:

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