Thursday, April 14, 2011

Joins Us For The 'Water For Elephants' Premiere Red Carpet -- LIVE!

Are you tired yet of seeing live, luscious, on-the-red-carpet interviews with His Royal Hotness, Robert Pattinson?

Yeah, us neither. So get psyched, because we're about to hit you with yet another shot of RPattz—coming this Sunday, straight from the premiere of "Water for Elephants." Josh Horowitz, our resident chatterbox, will be on the red carpet to get the scoop from Rob, Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz and other celebrity guests—and it'll all be streaming on!

In addition to getting a live look at all the glitz and glam of the movie premiere (hot guys in tuxes, anyone?), we'll be taking a time-out with all the film's stars to ask them a few questions submitted by the fans themselves. (Aspiring question-askers can head to or submit via Twitter, using @MTVNews and the hashtag #AskWFE.) Did Rob enjoy making this period romance more than the "Twilight" films? Does Reese still hang out with any of the movie's eponymous elephants? Is Christoph Waltz the world's greatest when it comes to playing villains, or is he actually just, like, evil? (Just kidding on that last one, Christoph...) Don't be shy; send us your burning questions, and check out the live stream to see how the stars handle 'em.
What questions do you have for Rob, Reese, et al.?

Source : MTV

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